
Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray
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Author:  Mike O'Regan [ Fri Jul 18, 2014 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

I'm out of this, at least as far as the other forums are concerned. As far as I'm concerned, neither of those forums have any credibility as long as Osi is a member there.
I really can't be bothered anymore.
It just goes around in circles with him twisting everything and issuing meaningless challenges.
His day will come.

Author:  Joe Taffis [ Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

For what it's worth, I've agreed with you and Dan on this whole thing right from the first post asking for GWTW screenshots....and you know many others do too, but (like me) wanted to stay out of it....
The truth, and lies, are really plain to see....
I have had posts concerning this matter deleted on both the 8mm Forum and the Small Format forum, so I just want to tell you here.... [set5_b/set5_b/iagree.gif]

Author:  Dan Lail [ Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

Here is a quote from page 2 of the 8mm forum topic Gone With The Wind Screenshots:

"Does anyone have any freakin reels for cheap? I really need some danged reels!"

Then one month later dozens of 1200' Elmo aluminum reels appear in CX land.

Also it seems CX could take screenshots of Empire Strikes Back in April 2012, but can't take any GWTW in March 2014.

Thanks, Joe. :D

[set5_b/set5_b/toetap05.gif] [set5_b/set5_b/rant.gif] [set5_b/set5_b/willy_nilly.gif] [set5_b/set5_b/puke.gif] [set5_b/set5_b/cuss.gif] [set5_b/set5_b/beatdeadhorse5.gif] [set5_b/set5_b/ack2.gif] [set5_b/set5_b/svengo.gif] [set5_b/set5_b/iamwithstupid.gif]

Author:  Mark Silvester [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

Hi to all.

I am just - toeing, back and forth into the hobby. Most know that since I closed "Silvoscreen" down I focussed primarily on video projection. That is a beside though. What prompted me to post on ALL 3 forums - check them out before delete. But, and I must certainly emphasise the following...I have never seen a thread...core...gone with the wind ...reels or otherwise..then others and ...then multiple...excuses - to pretending, deflect and ultimately try and transfer to blame others - purely, because they as individuals responded to a post made by someone, ..that motivated me to respond...I certainly wish some - even ones I called friends should have supported Mike and Dan.. Thanks for you honesty Dan.. ..best to all . r (SIlvoScreen). [set5_b/set5_b/seeya.gif]

Author:  Dan Lail [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

Mark, they have already been deleted. The moderator at 8mm forum has locked the topic

Author:  Mark Silvester [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

Hi Guys ...just to let you know my post regarding Osi's comments on the 8mm original Brad Millers forum has just been deleted...the excuse was that it was a personal attack...just goes to show...it is all a "stitch up" ...it is not "what you know...but who you know"...HE can can post whatever he likes..according to his psychotic behaviour...and we can not - unless he/they approve it. "Spring time for Hitler...and Germany..." it is funny but it is wrong but illustrates all the comments made on the subject. This is the forum I shall post on from now. Decent honest people who believe in freedom of speech.

Author:  Mike Sands [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

Mark Silvester wrote:
Decent honest people who believe in freedom of speech.

Thats Right! [set5_b/set5_b/hurray.gif]

Author:  Bill Phelps [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

Well I don't know if anyone had a chance to read Marks post before it was deleted. I did and it was full of facts and spot on. Candid, I must say. I was glad to see it typed in...but it didn't stick. I don't think it was a personal attack, it only told Osi to get a job! Then maybe he would leave the penny trays alone.

Bill :smile:

Author:  Mark Silvester [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

This was a copy of the post I made on Brad Millers/Doug Meltzers forum that was removed as quick as lightening...as I expected this to happen I copied the original for you all to see...the next thing we will be getting the SS knocking at our door. Osi Osgood would do far betterif he did a days work for a change,,instead of griping, pontificating...and condeming others. preHi, Mike I took this opportunity to support you

"I totally agree with all your comments - most valid and certainly reasonable. I really wished that more member everywhere would have showed their support...anyway, just wanted to show my support for you and Dan. If Osi does not like my comments...then he will have to wait in the appointment list - as most know I work in mental health for the last 15 years on a specialist level..Give Mick a bit of obvious credit. A real good guy in 8mm, who just happened to expose a some dubious activity. Also, Osi, why do you not put your hands up and SAY you POSTED all the original posts regarding this and other crap. No one says you were a thief - you cleverly use this to deflect. BUT you were certainly using contrived deceit..to cover your actions around selling technique...it was my interest that got me posting...as you know, I am A GOOD FRIEND OF Kevins..with all these theatrics it is not fair to him. Best solution - dont post - period..and get a job. OR...just don't post at all...only Wilbert will miss you...YOU SIMPLY GOT FOUND OUT!. Any idiot can see that...

Author:  Joe Taffis [ Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

Wow, that hit the nail on the head! [set5_b/set5_b/smash.gif] Thanks for posting it here Mark, I wasn't quick enough to read the original....

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