
Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray
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Author:  Mike O'Regan [ Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

Regarding the "Penny Tray", in taking 10c, Osi was at the very least, greedy.

Regarding the money in the pen jar, Osi stole. Plain and simple.

The only reason he's making videos, and big threats, about this is that he's following the old adage that "attack is the best form of defense".

Didn't he say in the video that when he went to the counter, there was no one there in attendance? I guess he decided he'd take advantage of the situation and he got caught. Simple as that.

My suspicion is that he's been stealing reels from Fred Willders anyway, so this should come as no surprise.

Author:  Dan Lail [ Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

After viewing the video again, the receipt is shown in two sections, why not the total receipt
in one shot? The receipt does show that the total purchase was $19.49. However,
there seems to be a portion of the receipt that is not shown - the portion where the payment
method is shown(i.e. Debit Card, or Cash). If this transaction were paid by Cash, then either the
exact amount was presented for payment($19.49), or a $20 bill would have been presented, showing
that change would have been returned in the amount of $.51(copies are $.25 each at Paul's).
Of course, if the transaction were paid by Debit Card, there would be no return of cash. Seems
to me, this was deliberately omitted. So again, we do not have all the necessary information
to see just what happened, we only have the info provided by CX.

Paul's Grocery said that their receipts do show transaction type and change due. This was
conveniently omitted in the video posted on Youtube. I challenge CX to show a clear photo
of the complete receipt in one shot.

Author:  Dan Lail [ Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

Today Joe Taffis posted on 8mm forum that I started this thread here. At 10:25pm this evening Joe's post was deleted. I wonder if the moderator over there asked Joe to apologize. [set5_b/set5_b/puke.gif] That sort of moderating will not happen here. We treat our members with respect.

Author:  Chris Smith [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

That's interesting, Dan, but not surprising. Yes, Dan is right, we do treat our members with respect on this forum! (Unless, of course, we catch them emptying the penny tray into their pocket, and then it's a completely different matter.)

Author:  Mal Brake [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

I see dear old Osi has shot himself in the foot again. He can' t understand all the fuss over a few pennies.

Well if he didn't empty the tray, then take money from somewhere he shouldn't have, then get caught doing it, then make a public video about it and then beg for donations to pay any legal fees in the first instance, there wouldn't be a fuss.
What I find strange is that Osi says he has been followed around the store before. Why? is that standard practice to follow customers around stores in the US?

Fair play to Kev, he has let this run so far without blocking / deleting it.

Author:  Mike O'Regan [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

I'd be willing to bet good money though, Mal, that if you posted your last post on there, the thread would be shut down.

The only reason it's still going is that nobody has spoken the plain truth there.

Author:  Mal Brake [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

That thought did cross my mind :smile:

Author:  Bill Phelps [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

is that standard practice to follow customers around stores in the US?

Only if you look guilty of something.

Bill :smile:

Author:  Dan Lail [ Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

Mal Brake wrote............

Fair play to Kev, he has let this run so far without blocking / deleting it.

Seriously? [set5_b/set5_b/toetap05.gif]

Author:  Dan Lail [ Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rock Star Caught With Hand in Penny Tray

I read that Mark Mander had mentioned on Small Format Forum that we were
discussing the penny tray Youtube here. In reply to Mark Mander, Mr. Osgood
has implied that I have a personal vendetta against him. And if I don't choose
my words carefully, I could be threatened with legal action. Since I have been
banned from Small Format Forum by Mr. Faulkner, I will have to reply to this
veiled threat here.

Mr. Osgood, you have made yourself a public figure on Youtube. And in the
matter of the penny tray, you have asked for comments - negative or positive.
As for past questionings by me pertaining to some of your posts, these questions
were presented by myself and others. But your answers to these questions were
never clear or did not address the questions at all. After weeks of trying to get
you to answer a simple question, your only response was to threaten me with
legal action for defamation of character. Now that you have made this matter public
on Youtube and Small Format Forum, and having asked for comments, well here
they are - not only from me, but from many others on this forum as well as
Small Format Forum. Are you going to bring legal action against all of us? Or
do you have an "axe to grind" with only me?

If you think you have a defamation of character lawsuit to file against me, bring
it on.

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